The Town of Nowhere


Guess who's back

Mar 28,2025

Hey assholes miss me? Of course you didn’t, no one is reading this shit, unless you come from the essay that I posted earlier today. If so, hi welcome to my website, it’s still not finished, believe it or not. I still want to add a portafolio section where I show my various digital paintings and drawings. But because I want it to be more convenient to edit and for you to navigate, I'm gonna have to learn something other than css or html. Which I will do at the end of semester vacation, and maybe then finally this website will be complete. but until then this is what you have

I kinda forgot about this thing, I didn’t add the new comics that I made in the works section. Hell I didn’t even mirror the The Town of Nowhere 2 year anniversary post. But for consistency sakes, I will do so in this spoiler tag right below:


Hey there everybody, todays marks the second anniversary since I've started working on The Town of Nowhere! Thanks so much to everyone who has continued reading so far, even through the unannounced 6 month haitus and my current inconsistent update schedule. Which I feel I should address. In the announcement thing I made about working on TToN again, I mentioned how I would try to realese an update a week. Something that I've been almost consistent about. But, oh no! There wasn't been an update in 2 and a halve weeks! What happened? University, that's what happend, and will continue to happen until I graduate. Siriously, if I wasn't a student you'll probably be gettingh multiple updates a week. But guess what? The semester finnished and I'm free now! No promises on the multiple updates a week though. Listen, I have a very horible work ethic, begining to draw is always the hardest thing for me to do. And I find it hard to stick to a rutine, even just doing one thing weekly.

But yeah, that's about it for the status of the comic, more to come at faster rate until january when the next semester starts. Again, thanks to everyone for reading, thanks to Rev for making the original TToN, and I'm gonna use this opportunity to shill one more thing: A very good friend of mine has been working on his own webcomic called Cyber Deck Chasers, I would appriciate if you guys would give it a read (I've prove read everything that was been published up unitl now, so you know its good).

Anyway, that's all for now, hope you all had a great year and see ya in a few days when I upload the next update (hopefully).


Ain't that something

Anyway, that’s all I gotta say. I’ll probably write more essays in the future or something idk byeee.

Fuck you, I made my own website (but, for real this time)

Dec 30,2023

After stalling it for like, what? 3 months? I have finally learned some html and css and properly made my one website instead of using something that was made specifically for porting mspfas into neocities. I mean, the final version is still heavily based on Flares' mspfa viewer (which is why I decided to keep the credit that they made all the way at the bottom). But instead of using the json file to create the page, I edited the html and css so the website looks the way I wanted it to look. Like the navigation thing being clickable images, the section showing all of my comics mirroring that of the Homestuck website, and the header and footer being a bit bigger. By the way, that banner you see is clickable and takes you to the first page of The Town of Nowhere. I had no idea what to put on the banner portion so I thought “why not use it for self advertising?” so I created the image you now see. It’s actually based on an idea I had for a banner if for some miracle TTON reached 200 favorites on mspfa. I will make more for any future webcomics that I make (I also plan to have it set so the banner changes every time you reload the page).

Now, if you look over to the news section you’ll notice that it resembles how it was initially, rather than the revamped one with it showing the news at the top and older news being behind spoilers divided by month and year. The reason I decided to revert back to the old version (though with a new look) is because I’m still not entirely sure how I want to structure the news section. So I’m leaving it like this as a placeholder.

Overall, I’m satisfied with how the website looks now. It is of course not final, there will be some things that I will change in the future (like the news section). But for now, this is how it looks.

One year of The Town of Nowhere

Dec 11, 2023

It’s been one whole year since The Town of Nowhere started. Feels kinda surreal to me that it's been that long since I sent an email to Rev asking permission to adapt his story into a homestuck-like comic. I was at such a different point in my life, I was still in school, I had to worry about the internals for a bunch of different classes. I still used to do art. And here I am, a year later, just finishing my first semester of university and still working on it.

I really can’t thank you all of you who have keeped reading so far enough. Weather you were here when I was putting updates pretty much daily. Or more recently in the post mspfa going down and back up again. Really, thank you to everyone who has favorited or made a comment on this adventure.

It would be remiss of me to not mention and thank the person which is completely responsible for this existing in the first place: Revscarecrow AKA Collin Mullin! The person who originally made The Town of Nowhere! I’m really grateful that he gave me permission to do this. I would highly recommend that everyone here checks out his streams. I think he’s really entertaining and fun to listen to. And I would recommend you all check out the original TTON streams. Yes, I know that would spoil this entire comic. But you could always just watch the parts that I’ve covered here. It’s obviously a very different experience and, you know, the TTON streams are pretty good and fun on their own. Alternatively, you could watch the second season of TTON. I’m recommending it because it’s not necessary to watch the first season to understand it. Though the third episode possibly has some major spoilers for the first season. If you don’t want to get spoiled then I would recommend the other series of chose-your-own-advenutre type streams that Rev made called The March of the Mice. It’s quite different from TTON in style and presentation but it’s a pretty cool story and concept and you should check it out. Will I ever also adapt the second season? I don’t know, I already have many ideas for comics in my head so it’s hard to say. I’m not saying it won't happen but if it does It’s going to be years and years from now. Though I won't ever adapt The March of the Mice, that's for sure. It doesn’t really feel appropriate or necessary since it’s entirely made with drawings.

Before I leave there’s a few things I would like to announce. I know that TTON doesn’t update very frequently. This is because of 1. university keeping me busy 2. the cable for my drawing tablet broke so I literally couldn’t work on it for a week and 3. there are some things that I’ve been working on for TTON. First there are two extra set pages that I will be uploading on christmas and new years. And one other thing that has really kept me busy that will go up around new years. I can’t go into detail, but I can tell that it wont come from me, at least not directly. So keep an eye out for that.

Again, thanks to all of you for reading The Town of Nowhere and I hope you enjoy what's to come. And thanks again to Rev for allowing me to do this. I plan to keep working on TTON for as long as I can. Which is about 3-4 years when I finally finish it.

Dualcommand is on indefinite haiatus

Sep 5, 2023

As the title says, I’m putting dualcommand on an indefinite hold. As I explained in the comic itself, I don’t really want to continue making it, I don’t really have much time to make anything, so I’m gonna stop making it. Will I come back to making it? Who knows. And of course, thanks to FlaringK who made the css for the side by side pages and boogs for hosting the flipjam.

Now, does this mean that The Town of Nowhere will get updated more frequently? No, not really. Again, because of university my time to be able to draw anything is sort of limited so expect TTON to be updated at the same rate.

New look for The Town of Nowhere

Aug, 23, 2023

I changed the look for TTON. Why? Well one because I think it looks really cool. And secondly, because I saw someone use the middle box where the description is as a place to put news. And I figured that not everyone who is reading the TTON is going to see news relating to TTON on my website. So why not put it in the same fucking website that they’re reading the comic on? All of the news here (or there, depending on where you’re reading this) will be copied from my website. Though of course, only the news relevant to TTON will be there (here). Every news apart from the very newest one will be put inside of a spoiler so you don’t have to scroll a bunch just to see the comments. Obviously, very many thanks to Madcreativity who made the original mspa theme.

I’m not really sure what to put in the ads section. Though I’m not really knowledgeable on javascript (which is to say not at all) to be able to add something even if I wanted to. And to be honest, I don’t feel like waiting days for the javascript to be verified, only to see that the thing I added didn’t work, change something and then wait another few days for it to get verified, to then see that it still doesn’t work.

Ok, I'm writting this after everything else and APPERENTLY I STILL have to wait for the javascript to be verified. Even though this wasn0t like this when I put multiple different verified javascipt things on the box. Fucking whatever, you'll see it when it's verified in aproximatly in 3-4 business days.

This part, the one you’re reading right now, it’s only for here on the website because it has nothing to do with TTON. Anyway, as I’m sure you’ve noticed, I changed the news section layout. I was planning to do this eventually when there where a fuck ton of news so it would be a pain in the ass to scroll. But after seeing the length of the last two news and probably this one, it kinda is already a pain in the ass. Also why not start doing it right now. So here’s how it’s gonna be: The newest news will be displayed at the top, all the other news will be divided by year (from newest to oldest). Each year will have spoilers titled by month (again, from newest to oldest). Inside of which will be news from that month (also from newest to oldest). Pretty neat right?

Schedules, how do they even work? (and christian rappers)

Aug 8, 2023

Ok so I guess this thing is going to be just my stream of consciousness of whatever happened on the day I’m writing it. I won't do this everyday obviously, I don’t think my life is that interesting. But anyway to the topic at hand: my first day at uni. One of the things I’ve come to realize about the Bogotán public transport system is there’s three types of people that skip the tool thingy that’s at the entrance of every bus. These are just the ones that I’ve encountered but I can’t imagine any other reason as to why one would do this. Or at least be allowed to do it as I’ve yet to so one bus driver to tell the guy to pay or fuck off. First are the salesmen, pretty self explanatory. They tell you about a product and maybe you’ll buy it. Then there are the preachers, not necessarily christian preachers though they are the most common. And finally there are the rappers, guys with a small speaker and a microphone and rap about whatever. All of these will ask you for money in some way or another.

Something that I did not expect to see today was a combination of the last two I mentioned: a christian rapper. And you what? It was actually pretty good. Like the dude could rhyme well, he had really good flow. It really made me look past the overt religiousness of what he was rapping about. He did lose me at the end when he started to basically preach though. Especially when it got homophobic for like a minute and the whole fire and brimstone feel most of it had. That was about it, he left the bus and everyone continued on with their day.

Now for the other thing that this is about: so ACCORDING to my schedule (which I had screenshotted and added the building and room they take place in) my first class at 11am took place in a building I’m dubbing CM. But when I got there the lady in front told me they only had classes on CM until 11am. And I was like what. I was this close to emailing the professor to be like “hey the schedule says we have class at 11am at the CM but the lady in front told me there’s only classes ‘til 11. So what’s up with”. But then I decided to check my schedule on the banner because maybe I had missed something. So then I do and I check the class and it was actually in a completely different building. I arrived an hour early so I got there no problem. The class itself was pretty chill, not much to write about. Then I got lunch and went on home because that was my only class that day. I don’t think I’ll edit my scheduled screenshot since it’s only the one class (as far as I’m aware) so it’ll be easy enough to remember.\n\nAnd that was my first day of uni, not really that noteworthy honestly. Although my stomach has been upsetii spaghetti ever since that first class. It still is as I’m writing this, though only a little bit.

Fuck you, I made my own website

Aug, 2023

Screw all these carrds and rentrys that limit what one is able with the look. Instead I made my own website that allows me the near infinite possibilities of html and css. And I have started this by limiting myself to what flare’s mspfa viewer can do. I could have learned how to create this look on my own. But it’s already here so why not use it. Though there are some things I wish I could do, like making my list of comics look how it is on the homestuck website. But it works for what it is right now. Maybe one day I’ll learn how to do it, maybe also how to make a proper website of my own. But alas, this will have to do for now.

Also, I’m starting uni tomorrow, which will make my art making process much slower than it already was. Maybe, I dunno. I only have one class tomorrow as well as on friday. And have zero classes on monday. Though it's not like I'm going directly back home once classes are over. As per the recommendation of someone during my last day of induction, I'll stay for a bit to like, hang out with people, try to make friends, and socialize with the friends I’ll make. Shit, I’m pretty lucky that five of my friends got into the same university that I did. We don’t study the same thing but it’s likely that I’ll run into them so why not also hang out with them.

I don’t really know what I’m going to do with this news thing. Like what I’m going to put here, shit that happens in my life? But what exactly? I don’t really know. Obviously if it’s something really important I post about it here. But outside of that, who knows. Maybe I’ll completely forget about this thing and abandon it. Who knows.

15 boondollars